Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 11 1/13/17 - Walk / RTR Chatter / Weather / Hike

At 8:00 I go a walk with folks who were in the walk group last year.  We are back by 9:00 and I wash up before the 10:00 roundtable and then seminar.

I don't generally cover the RTR chatter at the roundtabe but I feel I should after yesterday's concerns expressed by leader Bob Wells.

Bob expressed his concerns yesterday over music that he felt disturbed him and others by evening attendees at the central evening campfire goers.  Bob decided to drive to a new spot further away from the RTR for the night from the noise and his frustration.

I am parked closer than Bob to where the music was and I could hear it and I fell asleep without it bothering me in my Prius.  CRVL blog posts about the topic concerned me as there were people commenting that were not here.

I want to assure readers of my blog that most people are respectful of others space and noise.  We are crowded in comparison to my first attendance last year with upwards of 500 people this year.

When you have this many people attend things will happen that will cause concern about space (distance between people set up) and noise people make.

In my opinion Bob had a concern that was valid.  This concern is not a huge issue.  It was addressed and is resolved for now.  There is no reason for people not here to extrapolate that this RTR isn't as nice and rewarding as in past years.

If I get encroached on and didn't feel comfortable I would just move to a new location. 

We were told to prepare for rain today.  Yesterday was cloudy all day and for me a poor solar day, but today cleared and stayed sunny and solar charging was king for the day.

Above shows the radar with all the rain staying in CA giving us a wonderful day although some were concerned about rain.  

Two new acquaintances and one from mast year decided to go on a hike.  We hiked to the mountain range to the east.

Two of the four of us turned around about 2 miles out and I and one of the new aquaintances and I continued on to the stone house I hiked to last year.

The hike takes us into a boxed canyon with a mine claim.  Above is a view of the entrance to the boxed canyon.

I forgot to turn on my AllTrails app to record the round trip information, but it is just about the same each way.  This resulted in I and my new friend hiked 6.4 miles over about 3 hours.

This is a very good hike and excellent workout.


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