Like many others my age, I took two years of a language in High School. I took French. Spanish wasn’t offered and there was no direct use for it at that time.
(Screen capture off my phone of the Duolingo App image.)
I decided last summer, after a number of times trying to learn Spanish over the years, to work at learning Spanish again. Having tried other phone aps, I decided this time I would try Duolingo

That’s right! I reached my 200th continuous day of learning Spanish.
Unlike other methods Duolingo is a mixture of learning words, sentences, speaking, and spelling. It is not a perfect software program but it is good and has kept me going.
That’s right! I reached my 200th continuous day of learning Spanish.
They offer the application free and do have ads you have to watch. You can opt out but you need to pay. I have stuck to watching ads and have stayed with my training not yet electing to pay to go ad free.
(Above is a picture of lessons on Duolingo- purple colored ones I have successfully completed and ones with yellow rings I have them being worked on.)
I’m actually learning the language. That is the good news. I’m not fast but I do practice each day. Since I’ve been traveling this year I’m just maintaining the courses I have passed and not yet moved forward. This has proved successful for me as it’s good to get the grammar down through practice.
Duolingo offers many languages, sone being very obscure. There are things about the software I don’t like, but I like it more than I dislike it.
A couple of hints. Don’t get frustrated as there are rules you will need to look up, that Duolingo doesn’t tell you why you got it wrong. Google Translate helps as well as taking notes.
I am not affiliated with Duolingo and these comments are my own. If you have been wanting to learn another language Duolingo is helping me and may help you.
Learning with an application on my phone works well for me on my travels. As little as 15 minutes a day can get you on your way to speaking a new language.
Hi Brent! After reading your post I decided to sign up for Duolingo also. 200 days is impressive... I'll attempt to do the same