Monday, February 14, 2022

High Desert Ranger Memorial

High Desert Ranger, or HDR, as many of us RTR goers referred to him.  Also he was Mike to others.

HDR was a prominent figure at RTR’s, as his camp was large with truck, trailer, tent and tarps.  He was also prominent because of his willingness to teach panning for gold.  No matter how many people and when, he made himself available to answer questions.  

Yes, an all-around nice guy.  Sadly, HDR passed away over the last year and many will miss him even just seeing his camp from a distance.

Well, Saturday, January 29, 2022 a number of people had a memorial service for him in Quartzsite.  It was set at Celia’s Garden, adjacent to where I play disc golf.  I could not attend the memorial service as I was visiting family in CA, but, when I played disc golf I wandered into the memorial area and found HDR’s memorial.

On a rock is this wonderful bronze marker. 

The memorial is this design above and if you look there are gold colored rock for his interest in panning gold.

On the upper left of the stone you will see a bronze miniature man gold panning.  Completely fitting for what he lived.

None of us Vandwellers know when our day will come when we won’t be on the road anymore.  It is fitting to have a memorial for Mike for all he did in helping others.  The lines to learn panning were never short at the RTR, and Mike left a positive impression on many that attended.


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