Friday, March 22, 2019

Checking Out Lower Nipple Creek Road

We decided to head out into Southern Utahtocheck our Lower Nipple Creek Road.  We came through Nipple Creek Road the other day but rain was coming and we didn’t want to get caught in the rain driving on the wash.  So, we came back.

Utah is known for its colors and today the colors are mostly in a white backdrop here.  A contrast of colors and shapes.

Here is another example of  colorful scenery, but we have poles and wires crossing the image.  It’s still a good color mixture and why I included it.

Sometimes it’s the shapes of the sandstone that attracts my eye.  Here in Nipple Creek Wash time and water have carved these shapes.

I had to walk around this rock to see what was holding it up.  It actually seems off balanced a bit but there it stands.

As I noted this area of The Grand Staircase Escalante has a lot ofwhite rocks.

We climbed a hill and I took this picture looking down into the wash.  The road is thecwadh here and it provides an excellent way to get to see some back country.


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