Sunday, January 23, 2022

2022 Travels Begin

Well I finally got on the road.

Above my Tacoma and Four Wheel Camper sit ready for the 2022 travels, but wait I am not leaving until after my niece’s wedding on 1/16.

Look what I have to get through for weather, leaving MA for the great southwest.  I left after the wedding reception at 9pm and I can’t head west due to heavy snow.  

My only window to drive was to head down to the CT coast where temperatures will be warming and into NJ to let heavy rain pass over me.  Then I’ll head down I95 along the coast where it was warmer and no snow or ice.

With light traffic on in CT with slow going in snow I hit heavy rain as I went over the George Washington Bridge in NY.  My, did it rain hard, and there was heavy winds.  No trucks we’re allowed on the NYC seven bridges due to wind.

I did it!  With a few winks at a rest area on the NJ Tpk I drove until 8pm Monday and ended up in eastern GA on I20.
That was 1100 mikes in 24 hours.

Waking in Georgia on Tuesday AM, my next weather concern was expected freezing rain in southern TX by Thursday.

I drove another 1100 miles on Tuesday and landed in western Texas..  This long drive assured me to be out of TX on Thursday, before freezing rain was forecasted.

Wednesday AM as I’m driving to El Paso TX, road crews were laying the liquid salt in the highway.  I drove around 700 miles to western NM, and I was then ok to take my time the rest off the way.

Thursday I drove to eastern AZ to BLM camping at Hot Well Dunes for a 2+hour hot tub relaxation.

Friday was a 2 hour drive to Tucson Walmart to take on supplies fir travels.  But first was a stop at the car wash to get the salt off the truck and camper.  Then 2 hours to beautiful Ajo, AZ for the weekend.

Above is a view from my BLM camping spot.  Why I say beautiful Ajo.

I had been asked to lend a had at a friend’s house to fix the shower controls in Ajo, and with all the various cactus it’s a great scenic stay.  So it was a slow Saturday and Sunday as my friend and I got up do sone off roaring and a hike on Sunday.

I have plenty of things to write about and now that things have slowed down I’ll get some more posts out.

Oh, I only stopped and got gas across the country wearing a KN95 mask to use restrooms.  Having brought all my own food. My friends and I visit mostly outdoors but my friends are very willing to protect themselves too so we are all safe when we meet.

Stay safe everyone 



  1. It'd good to hear from you Brent!

    1. Rob, thanks for following and yes it feels good to be on the road and out of New England winter weather.

      Stay safe

