Sunday, May 18, 2014

Shed Building Day 4

With all the individual rafters ready to go up from yesterday I finished adding the studs to the back of the front.  Each stud is notched to fit around the rafter taking time. 

We added the rafters from the back forward using a piece of strapping to hold the top of the rafters in place.

When we got to the end at the front above the door, we put two temporary 2x4's up to keep the heavy assembly from tipping and falling off the top.

As we added the rafters from the back we also added the loft joists and then added the floor for the loft giving us a place to work off of and that helped.

Then on to sheathing the roof.  Here Brent is putting in the screws we used to hold the roof to the rafters.

Below the roofline we put the tr board up which also gives a place to rest the plywood when putting up the lower shhts on both sides.

While Brent is screwing down the roof, I am cutting the trim boards for the gable ends that need to go up before the tar paper and drip edges.

By end of today we are not done with the project.  We are about one day behind schedule, so I will be extending my stay and working on Sunday and driving home later than expected.

We need to get the trim and shingles on and hopefully the doors and the Brent can finish up the rest.

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